时间:2022-12-16 13:42:01 | 来源:佩普学术官网 | 浏览:10593

  今天小佩给大家介绍一本工程技术-工程:化工领域的期刊《JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS》,创刊于1962年,是催化领域的主要学术出版物,是工业和学术领域的化学家和化学工程师不可或缺的信息来源。


  01      影响因子

  JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS近五年影响因子指数为:6.759、7.723、7.888、7.92、8.047,整体比较稳定。


  02      分区



  03      年发文量


  04      国人占比

  JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS2022年中国人文章占该期刊总数量54.10%,国人位居第一,对国人非常友好。


  05      自引率

  JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS最新自引率为4.20%,逐年呈下降趋势,可以放心投稿。

  06      文章类型

  Research Notes、Letters to the Editor、Priority Communications、Perspectives、Mini-reviews

  07      研究领域

  Journal of Catalysis is the premier scholarly publication in the field of catalysis and an indispensable source of information for chemists and chemical engineers in both industrial and academic fields.Over the last decade,Journal of Catalysis has been ranked among the top five chemical engineering journals in terms of impact and relevance.During this period,it has published some of the most important contributions to physical chemistry and the science and applications of catalysis.

  Journal of Catalysis publishes original,rigorous,and scholarly contributions in the fields of heterogeneous catalysis and homogeneous catalysis.These include studies that relate catalytic function to fundamental chemical processes at surfaces and in metal complexes,novel concepts in surface chemistry,the synthesis and catalytic function of novel inorganic solids and complexes,spectroscopic methods for structural characterization,and theoretical methods of direct interest and impact in the science and applications of catalysts and catalytic processes.

  Journal of Catalysis publishes manuscripts of archival value because of their significant fundamental and conceptual contributions to our understanding and practice of catalytic chemistries.The journal features authoritative articles,priority communications,research notes,and letters to the Editors.

  Journal of Catalysis also publishes Priority Communications and Research Notes.Priority Communications contain unique,exciting,and novel results that provide compelling evidence for rapid publication;while results in such communications may be of a preliminary nature,experimental details must be fully documented and the results reliably reproduced.Research Notes typically contain data and concepts that resolve in a concise but rigorous manner issues raised in previous publications.


  08      版面费

  JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS官网显示:本期刊的文章出版费为3800美元,不含税。

  09      审稿周期

  JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS官网显示:做出首次决定的时间为2.8周,审核时间为4.2周,出版时间为1.5周。网友分享经验:平均2.2个月

  10      投稿经验



  11      投稿须知

  系统会自动将源文件转换为文章的单个Adobe Acrobat PDF版本,该版本用于同行评审过程。请注意,即使稿件源文件在提交时被转换为PDF以供审阅过程,这些源文件在接受后仍需要进一步处理。所有通信,包括编辑决定的通知和修改请求,都通过电子邮件和作者的主页进行,无需硬拷贝纸质记录。

  12      期刊信息





  13      期刊总结

  综上所述,JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS收稿方向涵盖工程技术-工程:化工全领域,属于化学二区TOP期刊,过审难度适中,平均审稿速度2个月左右,影响因子8分+,近三年内未被列入国际期刊预警名单,广大学者值得一试!